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SC1 is Reimagining the Model for
Collaborative Partnerships

SC1 is reimagining the model for open, collaborative, public-private partnerships that are needed to creatively solve complex healthcare challenges and drive health equity locally and globally.

Underpinned by an expansive platform in digital, data and health technology that supports and accelerates the development of innovative solutions from conception through to commercialisation, SC1’s three Innovation Hubs are Centres of Excellence in:

Mental Health and Neuroscience



Oncology and

SC1's partnership strategy weaves through key global trends taking place in healthcare today including personalised care, early detection, diagnosis and prevention while leveraging data, digital infrastructure and artificial intelligence.

SC1 MedTech Hub

Westminster Bridge Campus

  • The SC1 MedTech Hub is carrying out cutting-edge work, across areas as diverse as children’s health, cardiovascular and respiratory disease – all at world-renowned speciality Centres of Excellence, such as the St Thomas’ Hospital, Royal Brompton Hospital and the Evelina London Children’s Hospital. As per the name, this MedTech Hub is notable for its leadership in “healthcare engineering.”

    Within the MedTech Hub, SC1 is proud of its growing number of partnerships with technology innovators such as NVIDIA and Insilico in the AI space, Siemens Healthineers in patient-centred clinical decision-making and BrainMiner in machine learning for neurology. These parLearn moretnerships are supported by the leading School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences and bring cutting-edge expertise from Centres of Excellence such as the AI Centre for Value Based Healthcare.

    Learn more about our MedTech Hub, including established partnerships.

London Bridge Campus

SC1 BioMedical Hub

  • The SC1 BioMedical Hub is carrying out pioneering work in the fields of cancer, genomic medicine and immunology. The Hub is anchored by Guy’s Hospital, Guy’s Cancer Centre, Guy’s Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, Guy’s Clinical Research Facility, Genomic Medical Centre, and King’s Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine.

    Learn more about our BioMedical Hub, including established partnerships.

Denmark Hill Campus

SC1 Mind and Body Hub

  • The SC1 Mind & Body Hub builds on a heritage of leading institutions including King’s College Hospital (KCH), South London and Maudsley Hospital (SLaM), the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience and specialist centres such as the Cicely Saunders Institute focusing on areas such as neurology, mental health and substance misuse with KCH leading in haematology, liver disease, transplantation and foetal medicine. The Pears Maudsley Centre for Children and Young People will be transformative for mental health and change the trajectory of young people’s lives.

    Learn more about our Mind & Body Hub, including established partnerships click here.

Our Hubs Have Already Helped Launch Some Incredible Spin-outs

Spin-out Successes

AstraZeneca entered an $85 million collaboration with Quell Therapeutics to develop engineered regulatory T-cell therapies for type 1 diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease. Quell Therapeutics is eligible to receive over $2 billion for development and commercialisation milestones.

AviadoBio is developing gene therapies for patients living with neurodegenerative disorders including dementia. It was named as one of Fierce Biotech’s 2022 ‘Fierce 15’.

Takeda acquired GammaDelta Therapeutics to accelerate the development of therapies to address solid tumours.

Handl Therapeutics is a rapidly growing and transformative gene therapy company acquired by UCB.

Heqet Therapeutics received investment from sources including the European Research Council for Cardiac Regeneration.

Theragnostics was recently acquired by Ariceum Therapeutics and builds on a long-term relationship with KCL’s School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences to develop fast, efficient chemistry for novel PET imaging agents.

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